Annea Lockwood’s SPIRIT CATCHERS

Saturday, April 23, 20224:00pm

Mills College
Lisser Hall 5000 MacArthur Blvd
Oakland, CA 94613-1301 map

Pamela Z, Laetitia Sonami, Brenda Hutchinson, and Sarah Cahill will perform Annea Lockwood’s Spirit Catchers in collaboration with Mills College Music Department and the Center for Contemporary Music as part of Music in the Fault Zone: Experimental Music at Mills College (1939 to the present) at Mills College at 4pm in Oakland, CA USA Four people have each been asked to bring with them an object which they have had for many years. Each performer sits in a chair with the object in their hands, and begins to remember aloud all its associations, all the events connected with it, gradually uncovering all the accessible layers of feelings and memory accumulated around the object. They talk to themselves, think aloud – becoming oblivious to everything but the memory process – as the sound mixer isolates, cross-fades, and overlaps their voices.