Pamela Z at DE Open Studios

November 5November 6, 2022

Developing Environments (P2)
540 Alabama Street #323
San Francisco

Pamela Z will participate in Open Studios at Developing Environments (P2) at 12pm-6pm in San Francisco Pamela Z will show media work and live performance at Developing Environments (Project 2) in the North East Mission Industrial Zone of San Francisco, CA. She will give some short, live, in-studio performances and show sound and video installation work. 2022 marks the 50th Anniversary of the artist live/work community where Pamela Z has lived and worked since 1995. This year, the neighborhood’s Open Studios take place during the first weekend of November. Developing Environments (Project 2) (an artist Live/Work Community since 1972) 540 Alabama Street, San Francisco, CA