Pamela Z in live-streamed Voice, Electronics, and Video

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Portland Art Museum (PAM)
1219 SW Park Avenue
Portland, OR 97205 map

Pamela Z will give a solo performance, as part of a shared evening, live-streamed and projected on the exterior walls of the Museum as part of Epic Ephemera at Portland Art Museum (PAM) in Portland, OR USA As Ms. Z performs live from her studio in San Francisco, her image and video work will be projected on the exterior walls of the Portland Art Museum and her sound will be projected through a speaker system there, for a live, outdoor audience. The Portland Art Museum presents a series of outdoor digital installations guest-curated by Fernanda d’Agostino and Sarah Turner of the Mobile Projection Unit. Working within the precariousness of the current moment, this exhibition embraces the temporal nature of new media work in a series of one-night installations that reimagine space at an epic scale and unravel hidden mythologies. This series concludes with a massive live video & audio experience with pioneers in interactive video, sound, and movement by Pamela Z and keyon gaskin – each performing a solo set in Breaking Ground on Saturday, May 29.