The Sound is the Movement: PAMELA Z & THERESA WONG

Tuesday, May 3, 20118:00pm

NOHspace/Theatre of Yugen
2840 Mariposa Street
San Francisco, CA map

A shared evening with composer/performer Pamela Z and cellist/vocalist/composer Theresa Wong as part of The Sound is the Movement Series at NOHspace/Theatre of Yugen at 8pm in San Francisco, CA USA Crossing musical concert with dance, “SOUND is the MOVEMENT” blurs the line between physicality and musicality. Curated by Yugen Orchestra member Ava Mendoza, Paige Sorvillo and Theatre of Yugen Artistic Associate Edward Schocker. In this evening, composer/performers Pamela Z (voice, electronics, video) and Theresa Wong (cello and voice) will perform composed and improvised works together and separately on the NOHspace stage.