Weeping Steamer Trunk (from BaggageAllwoance) installation on view at BAVC

July 28September 2, 2011

Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC)
2727 Mariposa, Second Floor
San Francisco, CA map

Pamela Z’s installation work “Weeping Steamer Trunnk”, one of the pieces from her Baggage Allowance media installation is currently on display at Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC) in San Francisco, CA USA Weeping Steamer Trunk consists of an antique wardrobe trunk with embedded sound and video elements and miscellaneous objects in the drawers and lid. When the viewer opens and closes the drawers, objects become visible and moving image glows through the trunk’s upholstery, and fragments of baggage-related stories are audible. This physical installation work is being featured in conjunction with the launch of the permanent web-based version of Baggage Allowance www.baggageallowance.tv . Weeping Steamer Trunk will be on exhibit in the lobby of BAVC through September 2nd. BAVC | 2727 Mariposa, Second Floor | San Francisco, CA